Our blog posts cover science communication, artificial intelligence, consulting, and more. We share practical tips for researchers, science communicators, and consultants.
Responding not reacting: How mindfulness can help with anxiety at work
By slowing down and paying attention while we go about our work days it’s possible to turn down the dial on anxiety and operate from a place of increased calm.
Why knowing yourself is key for effective communication
When it comes to developing an authentic communication style, there are elements about who you are and how you engage with the world that are important to reflect on.
How art can create a connection to place that’s key for understanding climate change
Photography fosters a type of paying attention that helps us to see what is happening around us over time, and can help us to see how the environment changes with climate impacts. It plays a valuable role in climate change awareness.
Listening without doing: toward a deeper understanding of empathy
What I learned about empathy from studying Nonviolent Communication.
How I launched my first online course without freaking out
How finding value in the process, close collaboration, and letting go of expectations helped me launch an online training course without freaking out.
Observation: a therapeutic gesture
The simple act of going for a walk, clearing the mind, and observing the gentle flow of life is a powerful, therapeutic gesture, which I explore with the short film Intersections.